UPDATE | Final installation completed | "Mobile Smart Home" for our DIY Camper Van

Final installation is completed! I’ve build the final units (yes, a lot of more soldering and special thanks to our 3D Printer), installed all electronis components and wires (didn’t measure the entire wire length, but this step took several weekends for completion) and adapted my code.

Especially, handling the well-known issue with the distance sensors, when there is a lot of sun light. But with a little bit of math and statistics: now it works like a charm ;-)

More details are coming, we’ll create a dedicated youtube video about the making of and the final installation and units. For now, here is an impression about the final installation and the look of the final control units:


For more details visit my github project: https://github.com/anjakuchenbecker/mobile_smart_home_diy_camper_van.

Written on September 21, 2021